Mr. Claude Eugene Bouvier
Economic Impact Group
Summary of the working group
A better knowledge of the economic impact of balneotherapy is essential in many respects.
Not only it will help drive and calibrate investments, assess the number of jobs and skills required, but it will highlight the overall and unsuspected economic richness created spa therapy and all the linked activities that depend on it (wellness, accommodation, catering, leisure,…). This is all the more noticeable that this richness is often created in areas devoid of any other major economic actor.
There is currently no robust assessment of the economic weight of balneotherapy at the European level. Some figures are based on old surveys and appear to be rough estimates derived from extrapolated data rather than scientifically collected material.
Getting this « broad picture » of the economy of spa towns will definitly consolidate the perception of our activity, and at the same time, drives more support from public authorities.