On December 5, 2024, the European Spas Association (ESPA) and the European Institute of Thermalism (EIT) were key participants at the “EUREGHA Annual Conference 2024 – Driving Implementation Forward.” This event, hosted by EUREGHA (European Regional and Local Health Authorities), explored how regional and local authorities play a pivotal role in advancing health policies within the new European mandate.
The conference gathered influential speakers, including Katarzyna Kielar (DG SANTE, European Commission) and Simone Boselli (DG Reform, European Commission), to reflect on EU funding achievements and outline future initiatives. ESPA and EIT also introduced their network of 1,400 medical spas and thalassotherapy centers across approximately 700 rural and coastal villages, showcasing their contributions to local health and rural development.

A key focus was the collaborative efforts among Europe’s 240 regions, highlighting shared challenges and opportunities. Regions with similar geographic and economic contexts—such as coastal, mountainous, rural, or resource-rich areas—were encouraged to exchange toolkits and best practices. This collaboration aims to streamline access to EU funding and promote regional efficiency through the Directorate-General for Regional Policy.
The medical and thalasso spas were lauded as “gemstones” in the #EuRuralPact for attracting and retaining medical professionals in underserved areas, revitalizing rural and coastal communities, and countering rural desertification. By elevating these regions, spas create vibrant ecosystems that go beyond traditional agriculture or natural resource extraction.
As EUREGHA strengthens networks for regional and local authorities, ESPA emphasized the need for organized, multi-country teams to capitalize on future EU Health Union funding opportunities. With support assistants and funding resources available, participants were encouraged to connect their local policymakers with EUREGHA to maximize grant potential and drive impactful health innovations.
For more information, visit www.euregha.net or contact aerts@europeanspas.eu.