On November 28, 2024, ESPA and the European Institute of Thermalism participated in the EU Commission’s #EuRuralPact Policy Lab in Brussels. This high-level initiative, involving 100 experts, focused on advancing EU Rural Development through collaboration among key directorates such as AGRI, MARE, REGIO, FINANCE, and SANTE. The discussions highlighted rural desertification as a critical issue, driven by the closure of healthcare services in villages, which forces families to relocate to cities, leaving rural areas depopulated.
ESPA emphasized the potential of Medical Spas and Thalasso developments to revitalize rural areas by attracting healthcare professionals and “smart nomads”—highly skilled individuals seeking innovative workspaces. These initiatives can stabilize family structures, support sustainable food systems, and create eco-friendly transport solutions powered by renewable energy.
For the first time, ESPA represented EUREGHA, a European network for regional and local health authorities, encouraging spa towns to connect with policymakers to leverage funding opportunities. With ESPA’s input shaping future EU calls for funding, multi-country collaboration will be essential to secure resources for projects addressing #RuralDesertification and other #EuHealthUnion priorities. Stakeholders are encouraged to join efforts by contacting ESPA to access support and expertise.