Marine peloids by Lourdes Mourelle

Peloids are defined by Gomes et al. (2013) as follows: “Peloid is a maturated mud or muddy dispersion with healing and/or cosmetic properties, composed of a complex mixture of fine- grained natural materials of geologic and/or biologic origins, mineral water or sea water, and commonly organic compounds from biological metabolic activity”.

Peloids are used for therapeutic treatments, rheumatic pathologies, arthritis, muscle and bone traumas, and for dermatological pathologies or aesthetic purposes. Marine peloids, also called marine muds, are enriched with the seawater minerals and trace elements, as well as seaweed or marine microalgae that can be included in their composition. The most well-known marine peloids are those from Dead Sea, that have shown to be effective in the treatment of dermatological diseases such as psoriasis and rheumatology, its maintherapeutic indications, and also for other skin diseases and for cosmetic uses.

Other marine peloids of interest: Techirghiol Lake  (Romania) and Crimean saline lakes (Ukraine).

In this presentation we will discuss description and composition of the marine peloids as well as its thermophysical properties. I will also present a method to ‘ad hoc’prepare marine microalgal peloid.

The second Thalasso meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 5 at 3 P.M. During the teams meeting Mrs. Lourdes Mourelle will give an introduction about peloids in general. “Peloids are composed of a complex mixture of fine-grained natural materials of geological and/or biological origins, mineral water or seawater and common organic com-pounds from biological metabolic activity”. She will explain the therapeutic and cosmetic applications.
In this presentation the description and composition of the marine peloids will be discussed, as well as their thermophysical properties. A method to prepare “ad hoc” marine microalgal peloids will be presented.

Mrs. Lourdes Mourelle. FA2 research group. Applied Physics department. University of Vigo (Spain).

This article was prepared in cooperation with the ESPA Thalasso working group, led by Ms. Marlies Sobczak, ESPA Board member, and Mrs. Lourdes Mourelle.

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